Find out if you could be an applicant for bail and what you’ll need to obtain this. Work with Glasgow Defence Lawyers Ltd today.
Bail refers to the conditional release of a defendant from custody whilst they await trial. Based on the information you provide, conditions will be set to ensure the judicial process is not hindered, and that you appear in court when you’re supposed to. Securing the right conditions of the release is vital in giving you the freedom to attend to matters and get things in order before the court date.
The courts will need to determine the level of threat you pose to the wider community if released. This means they’re looking for facts supported by clear, concise evidence. Glasgow Defence Lawyers Ltd can advise on what this may look like for your situation, and help you understand what you need to do in order to obtain crucial documents for your bail application.
Business – If you’re a business owner with your own workforce, this should be outlined from the get-go. We can use letters from your employees to defend your bail, drawing on their reliance on you and thus, the security of their home and work lives should be without bail.
Employment – If you’re employed or waiting to begin a new role, we’ll request a letter from your employer to specify your wage, working conditions and any other supporting documents, such as tests and checks you may have undergone to secure the position.
Family – We can disclose if you have any dependents, whether this be your children or an ill family member that you care for. We can gather supporting evidence from the dependant and other parties, such as the second parent or a doctor, to support your claims.
Risk of flight – To prevent you leaving the country, the Procurator Fiscal may ask that you surrender your passport and check in to the police station on a regular basis. This will demonstrate that you’re willing to adhere to the terms of your bail.
Accommodation – We'll take facts about where you reside to help the court identify the risks of your environment and consider if a curfew should be imposed. If the court deems your home location a limited threat, you may avoid this.